How to Create VST Plug-ins
Bonus White Paper: Here is all what you need to install VST plugins on your machine
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VST plugins are not standalone softwares. They need a "host" in order to be managed and to communicate from one plugin to another.
The best known of VST hosts is "Cubase" from Steinberg, but if you want to use a free one, you can download it from the list below:
Mac | PC |
HostX from mmTurner | Maize Studio |
AU Lab from Apple | Mini-Host from Toby Bear |
Kil2 from Fredrik Olofsson | SAVIHost from Hermann Seib |
MultiVST Shell from Lone Roger | VSTHost from Hermann Seib |
Ouroboros | Bidule from Plogue Art |
Ugly VSTi interface from Refuse Software | Psycle from Psycledelics community |
Bidule from Plogue Art | Arguru from Arguru Softwares |
To allow those VST hosts to work, your PC must have an ASIO driver. If it is not the case and you get a "No ASIO driver!" message, you must first download ASIO4ALL which should solve the problem.
About free VST hosts, we prefer VSTHost from Hermann Seib which is very light and efficient.
Installing plug-ins
Maner can change from one host to another.
The first thing to do after the download is to expand (uncompress) the files.
- If the file is in .zip format and you've got a PC, this will be very simple: simply press the right button of your mouse on the file. You'll get a menu with an "expand" function.
- If the file is in .rar, you must have an expander supporting this format. If you don't, you can download RarZilla which is free and perfect for that.
- If the file is .exe, this is an auto-installer. Simply double-clic and it and follow instructions.
When the plugin is expanded, you must drop it into the VST dedicated folder of the host. When it's done, the plugin must appear into the "effects" or "VST" menu of the host.
- For WaveLab : C:\Program Files\WaveLab\Plug-ins
- For Cubase : C:\Program Files\Steinberg\Vstplugins.
- Mini-Host : anywhere is your plugin, choose "Load VST Plugin..." in the "VST" menu
- VSTHost : anywhere is your plugin, choose "New Plugin" in the "File" menu
- Audacity : C:\Program Files\Audacity\Plug-Ins
Audacity is not natively abble to run VST. You must first upgrade it: - Go to, clic on and record the file (33 Ko) on your machine.
- Double-clic on the file to see its content. Clic on VST Enabler.dll, and enter Ctrl + C.
- With Windows, open the C:\Program Files\Audacity\Plug-Ins folder and enter Ctrl + V
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